06 de setembre 2008

The Wire en la vida real i una societat dividida

Apostoflant (en paraules de Robirosa) és l'article que ha publicat The Guardian sobre Baltimore i la popular sèrie de televisió nord-americana de la HBO The Wire. El signa David Simon, productor executiu i guionista de la sèrie. L'article va molt més enllà de Baltimore i The Wire, entrant en una crítica audaç a la societat del país (i és que als europeus ens encanten aquest tipus de coses). Definitivament he de fer un cop de cap i veure'n totes les temporades.

Baltimore is not the inner circle of hell. It is not entirely devoured by a drug economy that serves as its last viable industry. It is not a place in which gangsters routinely fire clip after clip, spraying the streets in daylight ambushes. It is not unlivable, or devoid of humanity, or a reservoir of unmitigated human despair. I live in Baltimore, in a neighbourhood that is none of these things. (...)
And yet there are places in Baltimore where The Wire is not at all hyperbole, where all of the depicted tragedy and waste and dysfunction are fixed, certain and constant. And that place is, I might add, about 20 blocks from where I live.
That is the context of The Wire and that is the only context in which Baltimore - and by reasonable extension, urban America - can be fairly regarded. There are two Americas - separate, unequal, and no longer even acknowledging each other except on the barest cultural terms. In the one nation, new millionaires are minted every day. In the other, human beings no longer necessary to our economy, to our society, are being devalued and destroyed. Both things are true, and one gets a sense, reading the distant reaction to The Wire, that Europeans are far more ready to be convinced by one vision than the other.